Segmentation with Paging in Operating Systems

Segmentation with Paging

Segmentation with paging is a memory management scheme that combines segmentation and paging to take advantage of the benefits of both. It helps improve memory utilization, provides flexibility in handling processes, and ensures efficient use of physical memory.

1. Segmentation

Segmentation divides a process’s memory into logical segments based on the structure and function of the program. For example:

  • Code Segment: Stores program instructions.
  • Data Segment: Stores variables and constants.
  • Stack Segment: Stores temporary data like function calls and local variables.

Each segment has:

  • A name or number.
  • A base address (starting address in memory).
  • A limit (size of the segment).

The advantages of segmentation include:

  1. Logical grouping of data, which reflects how a program is structured.
  2. Easy to share or protect specific segments between processes.
  3. Simplifies handling of growing data structures (e.g., stack).

However, segmentation alone may suffer from external fragmentation, as free memory spaces may become fragmented over time.

2. Paging

Paging divides both physical memory and a process’s logical memory into fixed-sized blocks called pages (in logical memory) and frames (in physical memory). The operating system maps pages to available frames.

  • Each page has a fixed size (e.g., 4 KB).
  • The page table maintains the mapping between logical page numbers and physical frame numbers.

The advantages of paging include:

  1. Eliminates external fragmentation.
  2. Efficient memory allocation, as free frames can be used immediately.

However, paging alone has drawbacks like page table overhead and difficulty in representing logical structures.

3. Segmentation with Paging

To address the shortcomings of both segmentation and paging, modern operating systems use segmentation with paging.

How It Works:

  1. Logical Addressing:
    • A process’s memory is divided into segments (logical units).
    • Each segment is further divided into pages (fixed-sized units).
  2. Logical Address Breakdown:
    • A logical address consists of:
      • Segment Number (s): Identifies the segment.
      • Page Number (p): Identifies the page within the segment.
      • Offset (d): Identifies the specific byte within the page.
    Example: Logical Address = [s | p | d]
  3. Address Translation:
    • The Segment Table stores the base address and limit for each segment.
    • The Page Table is used for each segment to map pages to frames.
    • Translation steps:
      1. The Segment Table identifies the base address of the segment.
      2. The Page Table for that segment maps the page to a physical frame.
      3. The final physical address is computed as: Physical Address = Frame Base Address + Offset (d)

Advantages of Segmentation with Paging

  1. Logical Grouping: Segmentation reflects logical program structure (code, data, stack).
  2. Efficient Memory Use: Paging minimizes external fragmentation.
  3. Scalability: Supports large address spaces by combining variable-sized segments and fixed-sized pages.
  4. Protection and Sharing: Easy to implement access controls at the segment level, while managing memory efficiently using pages.



  • Segment table for a process: Segment Base Address Limit 0 2000 4 1 4000 2
  • Page table for Segment 0: Page Number Frame Number 0 5 1 8 2 1 3 4

Logical Address: [0 | 2 | 50]

  1. Segment Number (s): 0
  2. Page Number (p): 2
  3. Offset (d): 50

Translation Steps:

  1. Segment Table: Segment 0’s base address is 2000.
  2. Page Table (for Segment 0): Page 2 maps to Frame 1.
  3. Physical Address: Frame Base Address (Frame 1) + Offset = (1000) + 50 = 1050

Final Physical Address: 1050


  • Widely used in modern architectures like Intel x86.
  • Facilitates virtual memory systems where both logical structuring and efficient physical memory use are critical.

1. What is segmentation in an operating system, and how does it differ from paging?

  • Segmentation is a memory management scheme that divides a process’s memory into logical segments based on its functionality, such as code, data, stack, and heap. Each segment has a name, a base address (where it starts in memory), and a limit (the size of the segment). Segmentation is variable-sized and more closely mirrors the program’s logical structure. The operating system keeps track of these segments in a segment table.
  • Paging, on the other hand, divides the process’s memory into fixed-size blocks called pages (in logical memory) and frames (in physical memory). Paging helps avoid external fragmentation because the operating system maps pages directly to available frames in physical memory. A page table is used to keep track of the mapping between pages and frames.

The key difference lies in how memory is divided:

  • Segmentation is logical and variable-sized.
  • Paging is physical and fixed-sized.

2. Explain the concept of logical addresses in segmentation with paging.

In segmentation with paging, a logical address is divided into three parts:

  1. Segment Number (s): Identifies which segment the address belongs to (e.g., code, data, or stack).
  2. Page Number (p): Identifies the page within the segment.
  3. Offset (d): Specifies the exact byte within the page.

Thus, a logical address looks like:

[Segment Number | Page Number | Offset]

This division allows the memory to be managed flexibly and efficiently, reflecting the logical structure of the program while addressing the physical constraints of the hardware.

3. What are the components of a logical address in a system that uses segmentation with paging?

A logical address in segmentation with paging consists of:

  • Segment Number (s): Identifies the segment within the process’s logical memory. Each segment has a corresponding entry in the segment table, which contains the base address and the limit of the segment.
  • Page Number (p): Identifies a specific page within the segment. Pages are part of the logical memory space, and their mapping to physical frames is handled by the page table.
  • Offset (d): Identifies the location of the specific byte within the page, allowing for precise addressing.

4. How does segmentation with paging overcome the limitations of pure segmentation or paging?

  • Pure Segmentation suffers from external fragmentation because segments are of variable sizes, making it difficult to allocate free memory. As segments grow or shrink, gaps of unused memory (external fragmentation) can form, wasting space.
  • Pure Paging suffers from internal fragmentation because pages are of fixed sizes. If a page is only partially used, the remaining space in that page is wasted (internal fragmentation).

Segmentation with paging addresses both:

  • It combines the logical structuring of segments and the fixed-size allocation of pages, allowing more efficient memory management.
  • Segmentation reduces internal fragmentation, while paging eliminates external fragmentation.
  • The use of a page table for each segment ensures that both flexibility (for logical grouping) and efficiency (in handling physical memory) are maintained.

5. What are the main advantages of combining segmentation and paging in memory management?

  • Logical and Physical Organization: Segmentation reflects the logical structure of programs (code, data, stack), while paging organizes physical memory in fixed-size blocks.
  • Efficient Memory Utilization: It combines the benefits of both methods—reducing fragmentation (both internal and external) and making memory management more efficient.
  • Scalability: Allows for larger address spaces, as segments can grow dynamically, and pages ensure efficient mapping of memory.
  • Protection and Sharing: Segments can be protected or shared between processes, while pages allow more flexible memory allocation.

6. Describe the process of address translation in segmentation with paging.

The address translation process in segmentation with paging involves two steps:

  1. Segment Translation:
    • The segment number (s) is used to index into the segment table, where the base address of the segment is stored. This base address points to where the segment starts in physical memory.
  2. Page Translation:
    • The page number (p) is then used to index into the page table for that segment, which provides the frame number in physical memory where the page is located.
    • The offset (d) is then added to the base address of the frame to locate the exact byte in physical memory.

Thus, the physical address is calculated as:

Physical Address = (Frame Base Address) + Offset

7. How does the segment table differ from the page table in segmentation with paging?

  • Segment Table: Maps each segment of a process to its base address and limit in memory. It is responsible for handling segment-level memory allocation.
    • Entries in the segment table contain:
      • Base address: The starting address of the segment in physical memory.
      • Limit: The size of the segment.
  • Page Table: For each segment, the page table maps the pages of that segment to frames in physical memory.
    • Entries in the page table contain:
      • Frame number: The physical frame in which the page is stored.

The segment table is used for the first level of translation (segment), and the page table handles the second level (page within the segment).

8. Explain how protection and sharing of memory are achieved in segmentation with paging.

  • Protection:
    • Segments can be protected individually by setting access control flags in the segment table. For instance, some segments (like code) can be marked read-only, while others (like stack) can be marked read-write.
    • The page table ensures that each process accesses only the pages allocated to it, preventing one process from corrupting another’s memory.
  • Sharing:
    • Segments can be shared between processes by pointing multiple segment table entries to the same segment.
    • Pages can also be shared at the page level, allowing for efficient sharing of common memory pages (e.g., shared libraries).

9. What role does the offset play in logical and physical address translation?

  • The offset specifies the exact location within a page in logical memory.
  • After the page table maps the page number to a frame in physical memory, the offset is added to the base address of the frame to form the physical address.

In short, the offset enables direct access to specific bytes within a page, ensuring that the physical memory location is precisely calculated.

10. How does segmentation with paging handle external and internal fragmentation?

  • External Fragmentation: In pure segmentation, external fragmentation can occur due to the varying sizes of segments. However, segmentation with paging reduces this issue because pages are fixed-size blocks, and free pages can be scattered throughout memory.
  • Internal Fragmentation: In pure paging, internal fragmentation occurs if a page is only partially used. Segmentation with paging mitigates this by allocating variable-sized segments (e.g., stack or code) but still manages memory in fixed-size pages within those segments, reducing the potential for wasted space.

11. Given a segment table and a page table, translate a logical address into a physical address.

Given the segment table:

SegmentBase AddressLimit

And the page table for segment 0:

Page NumberFrame Number

For the logical address [0 | 2 | 50]:

  1. Segment Table: Segment 0’s base address is 2000.
  2. Page Table for Segment 0: Page 2 maps to frame 1.
  3. Physical Address: Frame Base Address (Frame 1) + Offset = (1000) + 50 = 1050

Final Physical Address: 1050.

12. Describe a scenario where segmentation with paging would be more efficient than pure paging.

In a system where memory needs to be organized by logical structure (e.g., code, data, stack), segmentation with paging is more efficient because:

  • Code and data segments can grow independently without causing external fragmentation, which would happen in pure segmentation.
  • Stack growth is handled dynamically, while still benefiting from the efficient memory management of paging.
  • Without the fixed structure of pure paging, logical grouping and flexibility are maintained.

13. How would you handle a page fault in a system with segmentation and paging?

When a page fault occurs:

  1. The segment number is used to find the corresponding segment table entry.
  2. The page table for the segment is consulted to determine if the page is in memory. If not, the operating system loads the page from disk into an available frame.
  3. The page table is updated with the new frame number, and the program is resumed.

14. Discuss the memory overhead introduced by using both segment tables and page tables.

  • Segment Table: Stores a base address and limit for each segment, requiring O(n) space, where n is the number of segments.
  • Page Table: Stores a mapping for each page in each segment, requiring O(m) space, where m is the number of pages per segment.

This overhead results in increased memory usage, especially for systems with many segments and pages. However, the benefits of segmentation with paging (e.g., flexible memory allocation, efficient protection) often outweigh this cost.

15. Compare and contrast pure paging, pure segmentation, and segmentation with paging.

FeaturePure PagingPure SegmentationSegmentation with Paging
Memory DivisionFixed-size pagesVariable-size segmentsVariable-size segments and fixed-size pages
FragmentationInternal fragmentationExternal fragmentationReduced internal and external fragmentation
Address TranslationPage table onlySegment table onlySegment table + page table
FlexibilityLess flexibleMore flexible (logical structure)Balanced flexibility
Memory EfficiencyGood (fixed-sized allocation)Poor (external fragmentation)Efficient (no external fragmentation)

16. What are the differences in fragmentation behavior between paging, segmentation, and segmentation with paging?

  • Pure Paging: Causes internal fragmentation if pages are not fully utilized but eliminates external fragmentation.
  • Pure Segmentation: Causes external fragmentation due to variable-sized segments.
  • Segmentation with Paging: Combines the best of both, eliminating both external fragmentation (through paging) and minimizing internal fragmentation (with logical structuring of segments).

17. Why is segmentation with paging preferred in modern operating systems over pure methods?

Segmentation with paging is preferred because it offers a flexible and efficient memory management solution:

  • It supports logical grouping of data (e.g., code, stack) while maintaining efficient physical memory allocation with fixed-size pages.
  • It combines the advantages of both segmentation (for logical structure) and paging (for efficient physical memory management).
  • It minimizes fragmentation and allows larger address spaces, crucial for modern systems and applications.

18. How does segmentation with paging support virtual memory?

  • Virtual memory allows processes to use more memory than physically available by swapping data between disk and RAM. Segmentation with paging supports this by mapping virtual addresses to physical frames.
  • Pages can be swapped in and out of memory as needed, while segments (e.g., stack, code) provide logical grouping for swapping.

19. What is an example of a system or architecture that uses segmentation with paging?

Modern processors like Intel x86 and x86-64 use segmentation with paging. In these architectures, segments are used for logical addressing (e.g., code, stack), and paging is employed for efficient mapping to physical memory.

20. How does segmentation with paging improve security in a multi-user environment?

  • Segmentation allows individual protection for each segment (e.g., marking code as read-only, stack as read-write).
  • Paging ensures that each process can access only its own memory space by mapping pages to specific frames in physical memory.

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